Things for which I am grateful… My son is safe We are safe People I love are safe (though not all of them – possibly not even most of them) The ability of Israelis to quickly and seamlessly come together in times of crisis, always looking for ways to get involved, to help, and to save lives Random acts of kindness My dog Nespresso‘s unexpectedly fortuitous decision to...
So far, more than 700 Israeli deaths have been confirmed. More than 2,000 are wounded, and more than 100 have been kidnapped and are being held captive in Gaza. We’re still safe. Everything is scary and nothing is the same… Following the news (and not following the news)… Driving 40 minutes to my office (Because I needed to get out of the house)… Walking the dog… Being...
I managed to get a few hours of sleep last night, after drinking a big glass of wine (my third or fourth of the day – I lost count) at around 1am in an attempt to relax my mind and body enough to fall asleep. Just to give you an idea of the scope of what happened, according to a Google search I just did, 600 deaths here would be proportionately equal to approximately 20,600...
I tried to be organized and write a proper update with consideration given to structure and organization, but the truth is that this is going to be more like a disorganized spewing of words and thoughts. I simply do not have the emotional bandwidth at this point to organize my thoughts. As of this writing, at least 250 Israelis have been killed and approximately 1,500 have...
For those of you abroad who might not be aware of what’s happening in Israel right now. I’ve lived here for 32 years – through uprisings, terror attacks, and wars, and in all that time, I can’t remember a single event that has been as horrible or as terrifying as this one. Where we live is safe (though we’ve had a few rocket warning sirens this...
I thought I saw you just the other dayFor the merest fraction of a moment, I forgot that you were goneMy heart swelled and I almost called your nameBut suddenly…I remembered… Learning how to find my way has not been easyEven now, when time has dulled the deepest, darkest painMuting an ache that gently echoesEspecially…When I remember… I see you on the edges of my dreamsI find...
It is astonishing to me that there are people who are surprised by the Capitol attack. It was more than four years in the making, as we repeatedly watched Trump pander to the lowest common denominator from the earliest days of his candidacy, inciting against Mexicans and other minorities, mocking a disabled journalist, bullying, disrespecting members of the military and their...
The sun is beginning to dip towards the horizon on Yom Kippur Eve. As we finish our dinner at an outdoor cafe in Verona’s Piazza Erbe, a heavyset gentleman with thinning brown hair that curls just below his ears walks through the tables and approaches one of the waitstaff. “Maestro!”, exclaims the waiter with a flourish, bowing low before greeting him warmly and guiding him to...
I’m not ashamed to say that I love the Eurovision Song Contest, so when my editor at Haaretz asked if I wanted to try to set up an interview with Itzik Fishely, the president of OGAE Israel (the Israeli chapter of the official Eurovision fan club network), and write an article about the Israeli connection to the contest, I waited four minutes before responding, so as not...
The summer before Danny and I got married in America, we had an engagement party in Israel. My parents came, of course, as did my brother. When Josh and his friend arrived at my parents’ hotel, they were given a note that my father had written. It said, “If we are not in the room, we are at the pool. I am in disguise. I’m 6-foot-4 with a long blond ponytail, and I answer to...