So far, more than 700 Israeli deaths have been confirmed. More than 2,000 are wounded, and more than 100 have been kidnapped and are being held captive in Gaza. We’re still safe.

Everything is scary and nothing is the same…

Following the news (and not following the news)…

Driving 40 minutes to my office (Because I needed to get out of the house)…

Walking the dog…

Being alone with my thoughts…

Checking the growing list of those who were killed (which now include “Search” options because there are so many names)…

Hearing the constant, distant, roar of military aircraft, somewhere in the skies above…

The roads are more empty than usual, and impatient drivers are doing their best to be patient (and if you know me, you know which one of those I am)…

Worrying about my son in the military (and immediately feeling guilty because I know he’s safe)…

Worrying about his friends (and their families), because they aren’t safe and are doing their best to keep us safe…

Worrying about my friends and their kids – those who have been called up or whose children have been called up (which honestly, covers nearly everyone I know)…

Utterly and agonizingly sad for so many lives lost (and numbers that keep going up)…

Terrified for those who have been taken hostage in Gaza (including men and women in their 80s and children under 5) – and equally terrified for their families…

I am both numb and in pain, at the same time and in equal parts…

I am fiercely angry at the government, military, and intelligence leaders who allowed this catastrophe to happen on their watch (but can’t begin to process that anger because there’s too much pain)…

I cannot fathom how we will come back from this (but I know that somehow, we will)…

