Have a nice day

Well, hey! Welcome to the US. The trip over went much better than expected, though the trip to the airport was rather dicey, given that some poor soul opted to take his own life on the railroad tracks shortly before we planned to catch our train to the airport. We arrived later than planned, but still had more than enough time at the airport, even managing to do some shopping...

I'm leaving on a jet plane…

Don’t know when I’ll be back again… Actually, I do, but why ruin a good song? It’s here. Finally. Tonight we get on a plane and wing ourselves across the world for a much-needed vacation. One whole month in the land of Starbucks (which is certainly not as good as Arcaffe, but will be more than adequate to meet my needs), super-sized meals and infinite wi-fi points, and I...

Commuting for Dummies

During the course of my days, I often find myself asking the same questions over and over again. So befuddled am I by people’s habits and actions, that all I can do is ask why? Driven to the point of frustration (usually a short drive for me), I’ve decided that the time has come to share just a few of my Frequently Asked Questions, in no particular order. Many of...

When Blogging isn’t Just a Hobby

Despite what many people in the world think about Israel these days, I am very thankful to be living in a country where free speech is something we take for granted and do not have to think about. We cannot be arrested or prosecuted for voicing opposition to the government or the state, the newspapers are not mouthpieces for the nation’s ruling class, and as bloggers, we can...

Haydad for Culture!

Language and culture are powerful tools that allow us to express who we are and where we come from. It’s important to remember one’s roots, no matter where we find ourselves in the world, for parents to pass traditions and languages down to their children. My father’s first language is Yiddish, and to this day, I am sorry that he didn’t think to pass it on to me. It is the...

Holidays in the Land of the Extreme

In just under one hour’s time, the state of Israel will come to a standstill for two minutes, and the only sound we will hear will be the melancholy wail of a siren, reminding us that today we mourn. We mourn for our fallen soldiers, and we mourn for those killed in terror attacks. Israeli television programming is dedicated to the fallen, with a continuous run of...

Dog 1 : Bird 0

Yesterday started off like any other typical Saturday for us. The little one and I were up at around 7 am (and before you start grumbling about the hour, I actually woke up before him, and couldn’t fall back to sleep), and following a stroll with the four-legged family member, we returned home for chocolate milk and coffee (and I’ll leave it to y’all to figure out who had...

Eat matzoh. Drink more wine. Slouch. – Thoughts during Passover

Here we are, about halfway through the Passover holiday, and unfortunately, about three-quarters of the way through the Passover cookies. Our Seder was mercifully quick, and seems to get quicker and less structured from year to year, which suits me just fine! Fourteen of us at my sister-in-law’s home, which is where we’ve held the Seder every year since my mother...