Oy. Tagged again, this time by Ra’anana Ramblings. Here we go…

Accent: When I speak English, I’ve got an American accent. When I speak Hebrew, it’s mostly an Israeli accent (after a lot of practice!), but I’ll never get those “reshes” quite right!

Booze: I like anything that doesn’t taste like alcohol! Baccardi Breezers, liquers, wine coolers (remember those?), etc. Favorite drink has always been the Amaretto Sour.

Chore I Hate: I don’t even know where to begin with this one! I suppose I could say helping my husband file business and household paperwork. I dread it!

Dogs/Cats: Dogs. Definitely dogs (sorry, Cathy!). Ours is 14 years old!

Essential Electronics: The more the merrier!

Favorite Perfume/Cologne: Don’t wear any. Don’t like any. Don’t know any.

Gold/Silver: Silver.

Hometown: Northeast Bumblefuck, USA.

Insomnia: Sometimes.

Job Title: Mommy and Technical Writer.

Kids: 2 (1 living, 1 deceased)

Living Arrangements: Penthouse apartment.

Most Admired Trait: Errr… I’m not very good at questions like this one, but NRG has demanded thoughtfully suggested the following:

Sense of humor
Undying and unwavering loyalty and support to friends

To which I responded:

See, you could write those things about me, but if I did it, it would sound cheesy.

To which she retorted:

No, not cheesy… honest… you never have been one to toot your own horn, have you? You can fill it in and say that others answered for you!

Which is essentially what I’ve done…

Number of sexual partners: Hey, none of your business, you nosy people! 馃檪

Overnight Hospital Stays: Far too many!

Phobia: Heights, public speaking

Quote: Courage is facing the fear and then doing it anyway…

Religion: Jewish atheist.

Siblings: 1

Time I usually wake up: Between 6 and 6:30 during the week, hopefully later on the weekends, depending on the little one.

Unusual Talent: Nothing comes to mind (I’m not terribly talented. Sorry!)

Actually, NRG just pointed out (it’s been a rather lengthy exchange…) that I’m a whiz at online medical research. I suppose that’s unusual…

Vegetable I refuse to eat: Beets in any shape or form.

Worst Habit: I’m a serious procrastinator!

X-Rays: Many.

Yummy Foods I make: Salmon, Ghormeh Sabzi, Steak and Guinness Pie, Crab Cakes. Not much of a cook, I’m afraid.

Zodiac Sign: Gemini.

Instead of actually tagging specific people this time, I’m just going to throw out a general invite for anyone who feels like answering, whether it be on their own blogs or here in the comments section. Go for it, people!

