This link is to a post that my dear friend Sarah wrote, and you need to know that what she expressed is how nearly all of your Jewish and Israeli friends are feeling, no matter where they are in the world. I was going to write that this is how we’re feeling now, but not only have we been feeling this way for the past four months – we’ve been feeling it at...
Can you imagine waiting four months to receive confirmation that your loved one is dead and their body is being held hostage by a terror organization? Can you imagine that multiple members of your family – kids, parents, grandparents – were abducted by terrorists, and for four months, you have no idea what their conditions are or whether they are alive or dead? Not...
Friends outside of Israel, are you aware of the fact that since October 7th, the Iranian-backed terror organization Hezbollah has been firing missiles, drones, etc. at Israel from across the Lebanese border – totally unprovoked? Did you know that more than 100,000 Israeli civilians have been evacuated from their homes in communities and towns along the northern border...
When you talk about a ceasefire without mentioning the hostages and wonder why Israel isn’t prepared to even consider this option, you need to understand that for us, these hostages are people we actually know, not some vague, faceless entity that we are using as an excuse for our actions. They are members of our families… Our friends… People in our extended...
Since October 7th… I have been caught up in—and at times overwhelmed by—an inescapable pall of grief that is intricately woven into all aspects of life in Israel. We are a society in a perpetual state of mourning. I’ve been unable to listen to music, a pastime in which I’ve been able to find great solace during other mourning periods in my life. If I do choose to play music...
Did you know that…… Jews are scared right now, more scared than they’ve ever been? That they’re afraid to display outward signs of their Jewishness? …Jewish college and university students don’t feel safe or welcome on their campuses, and many of them are being shunned, harassed, or threatened? That some have even been assaulted? Did you...
I shared this post about Kanye West last year. If you click the link, you’ll see thousands of comments that are: Showing him support Claiming he’s right Attacking people for calling him out or for condemning his hatredAntisemiticAttacking Jewish commenters We barely had time to catch our breath before Jew hatred became so much worse than it was then. I read an...
According to my Facebook Memories, one year ago today, I shared two posts about a rise in antisemitism – one having to do with Dave Chapelle’s SNL monolog and the other having to do with Swastikas spraypainted on a fence in Bethesda, MD. Two years ago today, I got sucked into an argument with a Dutch antivaxxer who believed that not being allowed to enter the Anne...
Somehow, our utterly delusional, useless, narcissistic prime minister still believes that he’s the only one who can provide security for Israel, despite the glaringly obvious evidence to the contrary (and despite the fact that even prior to this war, he’s never brought us security in the past). He has yet to take any responsibility for what happened on October 7th...
On the days when I work in the office, I stop at one of our local branches of Aroma to pick up a salad for lunch. Most of the people who work there are hip young Arabs who are unfailingly kind and friendly, and far cooler than I’ve ever been or could ever hope to be. Prior to the war, I would drive into work twice a week, and over time, our connection grew warmer and...