Getting tangled in the words Of a song from long ago Old forgotten moments And stories left untold As children we allowed ourselves The innocence of youth When everything was easy With no complicated shades of truth I remember lazy summer days And all the crazy games we played Imagination and adventure were our guides Grass that scratched between our toes While splashing...
When I think about tomorrow And what the fates may hold I wonder where your place will be What mischief will unfold I think about the fun we’ve shared And all that lies ahead Private jokes and silly notes Forever in my head I think of how you gained my trust It’s not an easy task I let you slip inside my heart And hug me when I crack I can’t believe the luck I’ve had And hope...
As I wrote in this blog post, I recently had the privilege to profile Tel Aviv’s Gallery of International Naive Art for Haaretz‘s ESSENCE Lifestyle Magazine. What an amazing experience that was! Now that you’ve had a chance to read my personal thoughts about the gallery and naive art, how about reading the article itself? Click the image below to read the...
I’m saving my thoughts for a cold, rainy day Nowhere to go and no games to play I’ll sit by the fire with nothing to do Escaping inside of a daydream or two I’ll dream about people and places and things Of laughter and love and the joy they can bring Of friendships that flourish and go beyond fun And souls that seem woven together as one I’ll think...
Through my work as a freelance writer, I’m often given opportunities to meet interesting individuals and explore topics and establishments whose paths would probably not have crossed with mine otherwise. I feel very fortunate to have a skill that allows me to do this, not to mention feeling incredibly lucky to have an editor with a knack for providing me with assignments that...
On a day like today I could fly to the stars Take a walk on the moon Have a dance across Mars I could play in a puddle Or skip through the flowers Roll down a hill And be silly for hours I could give you my heart And show you my soul Weave your fingers through mine And never let go Get lost in your eyes Let you lead me astray That’s what I could do On a day like today Tweet
You would think that after 13 years, my coping skills would be better. And yet, here I am once again, just a few days shy of January 20th, the anniversary of our firstborn’s passing, quietly (or perhaps not so quietly) struggling to maintain the remaining shreds of my sanity through wave after wave of wildly unpredictable emotions. Some years, it passes by smoothly and...
I am… A mother Gently pressing lips Against a little boy’s cheek As he dreams I am… Shy The quietest person In a room full of friends And yet I am… Helpful Because I want to be liked And not left out As I used to be I am… Apologetic Fearful of losing People I love During stupid arguments Tweet
For me, one of the most remarkable aspects of Facebook is that it provides so many of us with an opportunity to come full circle; to reach beyond the relatively shallow aspects of our former, younger selves and build on the positive aspects of the relationships of our youth. We have, hopefully, shed our bitchy, divisive teenage angst and injected wisdom and maturity...
With blackened wings, she takes flight Fleeing through a starless night Scattered ashes fleck the sky She is phoenix rising And in her darkness, she cries For stars burned out before their time Never had the chance to shine She is phoenix rising She knows the road to hell Of memories forced to make A splintered heart that aches She is phoenix rising With blackened wings, she...