For those of us who grew up in the 70s, spending Saturday mornings in front of the television was practically de rigueur. This was back in the days when flying anvils (created by Acme, of course) was the “height” of violence, and Hanna-Barbera was the the undisputed king of the Saturday morning cartoon.

One of my all-time favorites was “Magilla Gorilla“, and聽keeping this in mind, it didn’t take long for my slightly depraved imagination to change a few words here and there and come up with this little ditty, which is, I think, more in line with the times in which we live. Oh, and I find it’s much more amusing if you imagine it’s being sung my Turkey’s charming Prime Minister Erdogan, who really (but really) needs to get over himself…

Flotilla Guerillas for Sale

We’ve got some guerillas for sale
Flotilla Guerillas for sale.
Won’t you claim them,
Take them home and shame them,
Guerilla for sale.

Don’t you want a little guerilla you can call your own,
A guerilla who’ll be with ya when ya break some bones?

Spoken: How much is that guerilla in the porthole?

Take our advice,
At any price,
A guerilla-like flotilla is mighty nice.
Guerilla, Flotilla Guerilla for sale.

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