I’ve been tagged by my fabulous Dublin-based friend Beth, who blogs over at Shenanigans. To be honest, with the way things have been going lately, I wasn’t sure I’d be able to come up with ten things that make me happy. Much to my surprise, I have.


List 10 things that make you happy, then tag five bloggers who make your day that little bit better.

  1. Spending time with my family and friends (and especially those rare opportunities for fun mother-son outings).
  2. Communicating online with those who live too far away.
  3. Good sushi and good coffee (though definitely not at the same time…).
  4. The peaceful silence I find in the desert.
  5. Good books.
  6. Stolen moments spent sitting quietly on my porch in the sun.
  7. Being told that someone likes my writing or that I’ve written something well (both of which, of course, also make me blush).
  8. Girly weekends in Europe.
  9. Music that reaches in and touches something inside me (which can also make me sad, depending on the music).
  10. Playing with dogs.

Tagging: Stefanella, Israeli Mom, my treasure, What War Zone???, In Search of Dessert.聽聽And for those of you who don’t have blogs, feel free to write your lists in the comments section. Ready, set, go!

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