Is it just me, or does this week’s Durban II conference in Geneva remind you of Tom Lehrer‘s “National Brotherhood Week” as well?
[youtube=]Tom Lehrer Does Durban II?

Is it just me, or does this week’s Durban II conference in Geneva remind you of Tom Lehrer‘s “National Brotherhood Week” as well?
[…] Tom Lehrer Does Durban II? Tags: brotherhood, Conference, durban, geneva, lehrer, Nation, national-brotherhood, week […]
I love Tom Lehrer. In fact, I’m about to go click the “listen to all these rare Lehrer videos” button as soon as I hit submit. (It sounds a lot more fun than dragging my didn’tsleepnearlyenoughlastnight butt to the gym. Sadly, I’ll still have to go to the gym after I listen, but hopefully the laughing will at least perk me up a bit.)
On that same vein, a friend sang Rioting in Africa at our local folk club last night – decades later and not a damn thing has changed. It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad.
PS I just discovered that Tom Lehrer wrote the Silent E song from the Electric Company – too cool.
Tom Lehrer remains on-topic. (Cassius Clay? Does anyone else remember that this was Muhammed Ali’s name before he joined the Nation of Islam?)