Dear Luggage, Having a great time in Florida. Wish you were here.

I’m blogging from the beautiful city of Sarasota on Florida’s West Coast, having arrived this morning with the Little One. We flew to the US via Paris, and while we only had 20 minutes there, our luggage was fortunate enough to have spent the night. With any luck, it will reach us some time tomorrow, but for the time being, I’m trying to stay awake until my load of laundry is finished, a load that consists of just two days’ worth of clothes, as a lightning trip to Target produced rather unsatisfactory wardrobe and footwear results. On the plus side, I’m now the proud owner of two oversized New Jersey t-shirts, courtesy of stores in the vicinity of Newark Airport, and I’ve discovered that one can buy ladies underwear in the gift shop of the Newark Airport Holiday Inn, especially if one is not terribly discerning or averse to white cotton briefs.

The Little One was thrilled to see his grandparents, breaking into a run as he spotted them on the far side of the security barrier. And, chances are higher than you might expect that he was even more thrilled to see the Buzz Lightyear action figure that his grandmother slowly pulled out of her bag, absentmindedly thrusting his new Diego doll (acquired less than three hours earlier) at me in favor of the beloved Buzz.

Oooh! Laundry’s done. Stay tuned for updates, preferably at a time when I’m not so discombobulated that, while telling my brother over the phone about the Little One’s new action figures, it takes me a few moments to realize that I’ve actually referred to them several times as Boody and Wuzz. 


