Sorry for the silence lately. Life has been hectic, and I haven’t really had the time or energy to concentrate on blogging. I’ve also realized that the focus has changed around here, and I’m not packing quite the punch that I used to. I’ve been feeling rather frustrated and dissatisfied, and generally too annoyed with the state of the world to actually write about it. It’s hard to write passionately about politics and current events when global affairs has taken on a “same shit different day” quality, and I can’t seem to write myself into a frenzy about events that have become all too predictable, not to mention overwhelmingly pathetic.

I suppose the biggest story these days is Iranian President Ahmadinejad‘s visit to New York and speech at Columbia University. Too say that I’m simply bowled over by people’s naivete as far as this man is concerned would be an understatement. I almost felt sorry for the Columbia student interviewed on Fox News (I was channel surfing, lest you think that I actually watch Fox – the channel once referred to by the Husband as a pretend news channel) who believed that having Ahmadinejad speak would perhaps create an opportunity for dialog and understanding, as people would have a chance to hear what he had to say and to ask him “tough” questions. Frankly, I can’t see myself developing understanding or wanting to dialog with a head of state who openly questions whether or not the Holocaust took place, calls for the country I call home to be “wiped off the map“, and claims that there are no homosexuals in his country, but hey, that’s just me.

Tales of Mahmoud in the big city weren’t the only saga to get my knickers in a twist yesterday. As you all know, I decided several months ago that comment moderation would be required. I was tired of providing a voice for people who seemed to believe that my blog could be used as a platform for some rather serious venom spewing, like the individual who periodically pops up to inform me that I’m spreading ideological AIDS and should be locked up or to astound me with incredibly racist, hate-filled comments about Germans (in response to this post) and Arabs. While this individual drops by for a visit only once every few months or so, the visits are rather long-winded, and the number of comments awaiting moderation skyrockets, as he or she sends comment after comment after comment, with barely enough time for a bathroom break in between.

There are those who would say that I’m deserving of such comments, given the nature of my politics. There are many who believe that I am too accommodating and too naive/ignorant/stupid when it comes to Palestinian/Arab issues, and these people don’t hesitate to share their opinions with me – sometimes respectfully, but often, not so much. For those of you, however, who might choose to believe that I go too far, there are others who believe that I don’t go far enough. Yesterday morning, I had the pleasure of discovering four comments awaiting moderation, all from someone named Liza. I have a cousin named Liza, and given that I’d sent her a birthday message the day before, I assumed the comments were from her. Suffice it to say that I was wrong. Very wrong. This woman had googled her own name, and thus found my blog. From the comments she left, I gather she wasn’t terribly impressed by what she had read.

Comment #1 reads as follows:

“Hi, Liza,
How would you like to be living in Gaza?

Or how would you like to have been living in Lebanon during the summer of 2006.

Ah, yes, the message is slow. But people will eventaully (sic) get it. In fact, most of
the world gets it. “

Comment #2:

“Oh, blog approval is needed.
Ha Ha
Bet you get a lot of hate mail.”

And in case you weren’t getting the full gist of her feelings, here’s comment number three:

“You’re full of it, Liza. I’m so sick and tired of people who find the foreign policy of the state of Israel to be despicable accused of being anti-Semitic. No, you do not know the difference and don’t claim that you do.

I do not know a Jewish person when I see one and I know nothing about your religion. That is true of almost everyone.

It is Israel that I have a problem with.

Anyhow, I have to stop reading your blog. It just infuriates me.

I have an idea for Israel that they haven’t thought of yet.

STOP KILLING INNOCENT PEOPLE. Stop saying that you were looking for such and such a “terrorist” and using that as an excuse for genocide.

God, please let me live to see the day when the US does not pay for Israel’s wars against the Arabs. ”

And the utterly charming comment number four:

“A human face on the monster known as Israel?

Good luck.

The monster remains a monster. Stop killing Palestinians and maybe in a few
generations you might look different.

The victim becomes the aggressor. It happens all the time. In this case, the victim turned aggressor is more brutal than could ever be imagined. And my tax dollars support it, against my will, of course.

Go ahead and moderate me, Liza. I’m kind of sorry we have the same name. That’s how I happened to find your little blog.

I thought I would share this little message with you. The truth will eventually
spread in the US. Truth does that. And one day Americans will realize they do
not have to shoulder the blame for the Holocaust. Has there ever been a more
complete and total guilt transfer?

Maybe one day Americans will realize that Muslims are not all terrorists and that what is taking place in Gaza is genocide.

Good bye, Liza, lady with my name. I won’t be back to your little propaganda filled world. Just wanted to leave you a message.”

Kermit the Frog thought it wasn’t easy being green. I bet it’s a picnic compared to being blue and white…

