1. You see an alligator behind the house within an hour of your arrival.
  2. Your hosts talk about hitting the early bird special for lobster night at one of the local restaurants.
  3. You’ve seen three alligators behind the house within three days after your arrival, and are told that you might see more, because it’s mating season.
  4. Your Little One begins to say words in Spanish before he feels comfortable in English.
  5. Your host strongly recommends not going past the last house at the end of the street, as just beyond the grass is the beginning of the lake, and alligators like to hang out there. To bring the point home, your host mentions how she once took a walk down to the end of the street, walked in the grass, looked down at the lake, and saw an alligator staring back at her.
  6. The obituaries column in the local newspaper shows that no one is actually originally from here.
  7. If you see an alligator by the local bank machine (in close proximity to a lake, lest you think they can be found wandering the city streets), you can call someone to come and take him away.
  8. Taking a walk through the neighborhood involves looking both ways at golf cart crossings.
  9. You learn how to say “alligator” in Spanish.
  10. You feel like the youngest person wherever you go. By a lot. Especially when you find yourself having lunch in a restaurant before noon.
  11. Streets downtown display signs with arrows, indicating evacuation routes in the event of a hurricane.

Three shirts have been added to the Official Clothing Count.

