Not that I am very tizzy-prone, but I’d have to say that today, I’m definitely leaning in that direction. The Little One and I are off to the US tonight for a three-week visit with Grandma and Grandpa, and I have stocked up on a variety of coloring and sticker books, play-doh (Delta Airlines, please forgive me in advance for the mess…), crayons, puzzles and books for our journey, which will take a hair-raising twenty hours or so door-to-door. We will have personal seat-back monitors, and with any luck, he’ll sleep for at least half of the first 13-hour leg of the trip. If there’s any additional luck to be had (not to mention complimentary alcoholic beverages, though I will pay if necessary), perhaps I’ll even manage to get a decent amount of sleep as well. I’m still debating whether or not to take our stroller, mostly for use in the airports when the Little One will either be sleeping or will want to be picked up (which happens with increasing frequency these days), as well as for some of our longer days out during the visit. The disadvantage will raise its ugly head during those moments when he’ll want to walk and then tries to run off while I’m saddled with the stroller and a knapsack. Your thoughts and advice are definitely welcome…

I’ll try to blog during the trip, but I’m not sure how much time I’ll have. 80s Music Video Sunday entries will be posted later in the day due to the time difference, but they will be posted.


As I don’t really have either the time or the energy for a “real” post, I’m going to hit you all with a meme. I’ve been tagged by The Armenian Odar, a Dutch expat living in – where else – Armenia. Check out her blog, folks, and get a chance to learn about life in a country that isn’t on the radar for most.

5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Meme

Name five things you love in your new country:

  1. The way that everyone lives life to the fullest.
  2. The coffee (you can get great coffee virtually anywhere!).
  3. The beautiful scenery, from snow and lush greenery in the north to desert landscapes in the south.
  4. The complex quirkiness of the people!
  5. The wide variety of foods that are available – everything from sushi to jachnun!

Name four things that you miss from your native country.

  1. My family and friends.
  2. Autumn foliage.
  3. Trousers and jeans that come in “petite” sizes. Whenever I buy these items here (which is rare), I always have to get them fixed. How annoying is that? And it’s not like I’m really short – I’m 5’2″/158 cm tall.
  4. Shallow pleasantries and good manners. Call me pathetic, but I like it when salespeople tell me to have a nice day or ask how I’m doing today.

Name three things that annoy you a bit (or much) in your new country:

  1. Israeli drivers suck big time! Being on the road here is like being in a war, and every other car an enemy that must be humbled and/or destroyed. It’s gotten so bad lately that there’s even an ad campaign where careless drivers are branded terrorists.
  2. The lack of environmental awareness vis a vis garbage. Children are practically born knowing that picking wild flowers is a serious no-no, but no one will think twice if you toss your garbage around the unpicked wild flowers.
  3. The government and the sorry state of the educational system. Need I say more?

Name two things that surprise you (or surprised you in the beginning) in your new country:

  1. The lack of education regarding environmental awareness (see number 2 in the previous section). I don’t understand how Israelis can be so enthralled with nature on the one hand, yet have no problems whatsoever about ruining it with garbage.
  2. The extent to which people seem to think that rules don’t apply to them, whether they be rules of the road, legal issues, etc. There’s a big problem with sexual harassment here, and I’m constantly in awe of the fact that it is so prevalent at so many different levels in both civilian and military life.

Name one thing that you would miss terribly in your new country, if you had to leave it:

  1. My friends.


Stefanella, who’s always up for a good meme.

Beth, whose answers will inevitably entertaining.

Anglosaxy, since (a) these kinds of questions are right up his alley, and (b) I just like tagging him.

NRG, whose life has always run on a course parallel to mine (answer in the Comments Section, please).

Life Out East, who should have some interesting responses, given that he’s moving back home shortly.


Wish me luck on the journey tonight. God knows I’m gonna need it…

