So, after hours of pondering, tweaking, and contemplating tossing my computer (not to mention alternately badgering and complaining to Mr. Anglosaxy), I’ve managed to create a new look for Something Something. There’s still a bit of cleaning up to do, and I’m still trying to figure out how to add photos to the header without everything going totally wonky, but essentially, it’s done.

Well, whaddya think? Do we like it? I wanted to add some color without making it look tacky (and the line between slick and tacky is rather thin, dontcha know?). Suggestions are welcome, especially from people who can match colors and create brilliant color schemes. Sadly, I’m not one of them, and relied on the color palette’s automatic display of colors that matched whatever color I happened to be using at the time. Truly. If there was a Garanimals line of clothing for adults, I’d be a totally dedicated customer…

Here I go, running at the mouth (running at the fingers?) again. I do have to run, as it’s time to start thinking about dinner for the Little One (not to mention his mother and father). I’ll be back soon enough, though, and when I do return, I expect to start seeing your comments trickle in. Don’t make me come over there…

