Well, I had been planning to change pace and write an entry about my little one, but the child will have to wait, as it’s seems that I’ve been tagged by Udge to do the meme of four. So, here goes nothin’…

Four Jobs I’ve Had

  1. Sales person in a gourmet food store (mainly in the Bakery and Cheese departments).
  2. Speech writer for an international Jewish women’s organization.
  3. Editor/translator/writer/typist at an Israeli government ministry.
  4. Technical writer.

(A few more than) Four Movies I could Watch Over and Over

  1. The Princess Bride
  2. Like Water for Chocolate
  3. The Wizard of Oz
  4. The Breakfast Club
  5. Notting Hill
  6. Blazing Saddles
  7. The Sound of Music

Four Places I have Lived

  1. Israel
  2. Boston, MA
  3. Upstate NY
  4. Brooklyn, NY

Four TV Shows I Love to Watch

  1. Coupling (the British version!)
  2. Law & Order (any of the L&O series)
  3. What Not to Wear (sue me – I think Trinny and Susanna are brilliant!)
  4. The Vicar of Dibley (or nearly any other BritCom, actually!)

FourFive Places I’ve Been on Vacation

  1. Maui, Hawaii
  2. Jamaica
  3. London, England
  4. Acapulco, Mexico
  5. Oslo, Norway

(A few more than) Four Blogs I Visit Daily (though I do visit most of the blogs on our blogroll regularly)

  1. Anglosaxy
  2. Tololy’s Box
  3. Secular Blasphemy
  4. On the Face
  5. And Far Away
  6. Neither Here Nor There
  7. Step-by-Step: Making Aliyah to Israel

(A few more than) Four Favorite Foods

  1. Sushi
  2. Chocolate
  3. Paella (with seafood)
  4. Ravioli
  5. Salmon
  6. Ghormeh Sabzi
  7. Steak & Guinness Pie

Four Places I’d Rather Be

  1. Maui
  2. Hanging out with nrg (location doesn’t matter)
  3. Sarasota, Florida
  4. London

Four Albums I Love

  1. Supernatural, Santana
  2. The Violin Player, Vanessa Mae
  3. Songs About Jane, Maroon 5
  4. Concert in Central Park, Simon and Garfunkel

Four The Only Vehicles I’ve Owned

  1. Mazda 323

Four others, to pass the chain on…

  1. Ziad Anglosaxy
  2. The Expat Eggheads
  3. Lisa
  4. Rami

