The Little Boy

I place my fingers on his waist and lift him way up high He flings his arms around my neck and looks me in the eye “I love you”, says the little boy, solemn and sincere Then suddenly his face lights up; he grins from ear to ear A favorite song* begins to play; I’m shaken from my trance The little boy looks up and asks, “Mommy, want to dance?” He...

Paths we cannot change…

Fleeting thoughts of you They swirl around my mind Specks of memories dance about And tease me from behind Though time has passed and pain has dulled You’re never far away Reminding me of what was lost Or that you’ll never see today I think of all the joy you brought Just by being you I think of all the lives you touched Those you never knew I think of all you could have done...

Send me your questions – I'll tell you no lies…

It’s Q & A time. In the comments section (or via email, if you prefer), ask me any question, serious or funny. Anything you want to know about me, my thoughts, my opinions, etc. I’ll take all questions and answer them in one blog post. Just think of it as everything you always wanted to know about Liza but were afraid to ask… Tweet

Hummus Wars: All We Are Saying Is Give Chickpeas a Chance

What follows below is an excerpt from a piece I recently wrote for Pajamas Media. The piece can be read in its entirety here. The first time I was accused of “stealing food” was back in the late 1980s. It was World Fair week on my Boston-based college campus, and representatives from several of the other Middle Eastern student groups accused us, the Israelis, of “stealing”...

These days, peace seems more elusive than ever…

The Hebrew calendar is not usually the calendar I use – indeed, I would be hard-pressed to name the months, and listing them in the proper order is simply beyond the scope of my abilities. That being said, however, I can tell you that, according to the Hebrew calendar, 14 years ago today (or rather, tomorrow, if we are going to get technical about it), I was at the Safari in...

Friendship 2.0

I admit it. I love the Internet. I love the opportunities it offers, I love having so much information at my fingertips. I love social networking sites and chat applications, and I love the way the Internet makes it so easy for me to keep tabs on friends and loved ones, no matter where they are in the world. When you think about it, it’s quite amazing, really. We have...

Truth be told

This coming January will mark eleven years since we lost our first son, and while the brunt of this tragic episode is long behind us, I suspect that the repercussions will last forever. There will always be little reminders, times when I will be taken by surprise, moments that will cause me to hesitate, to pause before reacting. I am at a loss as to how to respond when a...

Occupation Day… Or "How I spent my summer vacation"

Butt. Poop. Budge. Intrigued? Amused? Slightly repulsed? Join the club. These were just three of the new words that the Little One learned to use with great gusto during his two weeks in an American day camp last month. Of course, it now seems like ages since we were in the US, but the reality is that we’ve been back for just over a week. Truly, we had a month filled...

My son the intrepid explorer

The Little One and I are in the swimming pool, and he is holding onto me. Suddenly, he reaches out, pulls at the top part of my bathing suit and peers inside. “Little One,” I said, removing his hand from the striped fabric. “You can’t do that. There are other people around.” “But Mommy,” he said innocently. ” I just wanted to...