I am a train commuter. We are a growing breed here in Israel, but when I first started taking the train, just over 4 1/2 years ago, we were still something of a novelty. While searching for my current job, I vowed that I would do everything I could to find a position that allowed me to commute by train. My previous job (which is probably deserving of its very own blog, as some...
I like to think of myself as occupying middle ground in Israeli politics. It’s not uncommon for many Anglos to take the ‘right’ route and go all nationalistic, while a few head ‘leftwards’. I take an interest, doesn’t everybody in this country, but it’s not my be all and end all. It’s sure not going to play too much of a role in...
Well, here it is, Friday afternoon. I’ve promised He that I would make an entry over the weekend, and this may be my only opportunity to do so, given that I usually spend my waking hours at home chasing after the little one, who is tremendously enjoying showing off his new walking skills (which, when mixed with his drawer and shelf “reorganization” skills...
“O Yeh!!” [ pumps arm in celebratory fashion ] Don’t you just love it when the cops pull over those drivers who moments ago were ripping past you on the hard shoulder of the Ayalon (freeway)? OK, so you might have uttered the odd expletive (in my case, it was “Fucker!” and “Manyak!” (which sounds suspiciously like ‘maniac’...
He’s got an attitude and a penchant for drink. She’s sleep-deprived and caffeine-dependent. Together, they’re something something – a translation of the Israeli term “mashehu-mashehu” (say it with us – we know you can), which is used to describe something pretty damned impressive (like this blog, for instance). This brand new blog to hit the...