Uzi Benziman of Haaretz has written a most eloquent article regarding the failure of the right-wing leadership to rein in the extremists in its midst. While the leadership is to be complimented for its quick condemnation of the recent terror attack in Shfaram last week, they must also do more to root out these fanatics. To not take action would most certainly be detrimental to...
Not surprisingly, I am still getting flack for my previous posts. I know He was hoping that we’d take break from politics (sorry, He), but I just felt that I had a bit more to say on the subject. What follows is a paraphrasing of a response that I just sent to a reader who was particularly upset by what I wrote. I won’t give away the reader, as the identity is...
First of all, I take my hat off to She, I think she wrote some great posts while I was away. She’s a star, don’t you know. But, time to disengage from the disengagment, otherwise we’ll have all sorts round here…She will have more to say on the topic, of that I’m sure, but let’s take a timeout for now. And now for something completely...
I had not intended to post on this subject again so soon, but given that my previous entry has clearly irked some people whose writing I greatly respect and enjoy, I felt it necessary to provide a response, part two, if you will. As you’ve probably already ascertained, I am generally against the settlements, and believe, for the most part, that they are an obstacle to...
It must be the most successful marketing campaign in history. The color orange is so strongly identified with the settler/anti-disengagement movement that I automatically become suspicious of anyone and anything with the color orange. It’s even reached the point where it has simply become a distasteful color. Yes, the cute little stuffed penguin on my desk has suddenly...
I have been swamped, positively swamped these past few weeks. Being the only one in my office who does what I do can have its perks (such as surviving three rounds of firings in the years that I’ve been here), but there are also drawbacks (such as being forced to work at a frantic pace in order to meet impossible deadlines made even worse by unexpected projects thrown my...
בהתחלה תליתי על המכונית סרט כתום, כי אני נגד ההתנתקות. אחר כך תליתי סרט ירוק, כי חסמו אותי באיילון. אחר כך תליתי סרט כחול-לבן, כיאני בכל זאת ציוני, ושמתי גם סרט צהוב, בעד המלחמה נגד הסרטןעכשיו כולם בטוחים שאני הומו At first I tied an orange ribbon to my car, because I’m opposed to the pullout from Gaza. After that I tied a green ribbon, because they blocked me in (not...
Those bloody fanatics are at it again. “National Home”, the radical right-wing organization at the forefront of the battle against the disengagement and responsible for most of the “civil disobedience” that we’ve been seeing (they make the Yesha Council look like a centrist group) have disrupted traffic and put innocent lives in danger this...
In celebration of Israeli work practices (though I would have to admit that the following episode could happen anywhere) I thought I’d share a highlight. [ ‘She’ has told me to watch my language, because some of our elders may be reading this, but be warned, I might not be able to control myself. ] Yesterday, my company decided to treat its workers to some...
It seems you can’t go anywhere these days without hearing about the upcoming disengagement. Everybody’s talking about it, and passions are running high on both sides. One of the more unusual aspects is the implication associated with the color orange. All of a sudden, the simple act of getting dressed in the morning has turned into a complex ideological issue. What...