Welcome to my job

Well, after more than three months of searching, I’ve finally done it. I found a new job! I’ve been with my current company for more than four years; lots of ups and downs, redundancies and general disorganization had completely sapped my energy and will to continue working there, and an interesting reorganizational move following the last round of firings provided...

Let the synagogues go with dignity

I’ve just read that the government voted 14-2 against demolishing the synagogues in Gaza, and to be quite honest, I cannot understand why. On the one hand, I can of course understand the not wanting to destroy the synagogues; under the best of circumstances it would be very painful to witness, and this is certainly not the best of circumstances. If we allow the...

Hey, pregnant ladies! Take care of yourselves!

According to my medical chart when I was in the hospital last year for a pregnancy-related procedure, I have what is known in medspeak as “BOH” – Bad Obstetric History”. It took about nine years, five natural pregnancies, three failed egg donation attempts (including two that took us to Europe – gotta love fertility tourism), a wide variety of...

Memories of New Orleans

When I booked the airline tickets, I hadn’t realized that my plans to visit one of my college friends in New Orleans coincided with the NCAA’s Final Four basketball tournament, also taking place in – where else – New Orleans. I don’t remember my flight to Newark, so I’m guessing that it passed rather smoothly. That all changed with the...

My last disengagement post – a summary of emotions

These past few weeks have been very interesting, to say the least. It’s been pretty incredible (and not necessarily in a good way) to see how high emotions have risen as a result of the disengagement. While speaking to my parents over the weekend, they asked me what the feeling was like in Israel these days, and I suggested that they check out the Israeli blog scene...

Tips and Tricks: How to remove a blog from your blogroll

Oh dear. I’ve been on the sidelines throughout the disengagement, watching with interest and sadness the nightly TV broadcasts but leaving out the politics from this blog. Ha, not that I’ve been blogging that much, it has to be said. She has been doing the dirty work for the past few weeks and doing it very well, I think. However, after one or two bloggers out...

We've had a bad day

I’m sitting here at the computer listening to some good mellow songs. I’m a big believer in music setting the mood, and right now, just to give you an idea of the way I’ve been feeling lately, I keep hitting the replay button on Daniel Powter’s “Bad Day”. There’s just something about the song that moves me, and I suppose it has to do...


* apply annoying mobile phone ring tone of your choice * What is it with this country’s fascination with mobile phones? Come on, seriously, what is this Israeli obsession all about? After x many years here, I’ve still yet to get my head round the takeover of this country by small appliances that are getting ever-smaller and ever more fully-featured. Don’t get...

And now for something completely different…

Okay. I am completely disengaging from the still-raging debates going on in the bowels of this blog, so to speak, as it’s starting to make me dizzy (though that could also be due to the fact that I’m starving, as we approach the lunching hour). I am a big fan of the Harry Potter books, and have just finished number 6 after pre-ordering from Amazon.uk. When they...