Friday’s weather report as described by the English-language edition of Haaretz: “Today and tomorrow will see temperatures dip, but don’t be alarmed, it’s only a blip. When the weekend ends and Sunday rears its head, the mercury will rise and you’ll be sweating instead. No change is seen for Monday, the last day of July, and August 1, they promise, will still be hot and dry.”...
What the hell is wrong with the Israeli government? Don’t answer that. If you try, we could be here forever. I have stated in previous entries that I support the premise for this war. It is absurd that we, as a sovereign nation recognized by most other nations in the world (and even supported by a few of them), should have to put up with and accept the continual threats and...
These days of war have left me feeling so helpless. So much destruction and far too much death, and I can’t understand how life has gone out of control so quickly. After the damage and destruction, the thing that I find most upsetting is how this has affected our relationships as bloggers. We have worked so hard to build these connections, taking tentative baby steps...
My thoughts have been all over the place lately, and I’m still having a hard time getting my head around the fact that we are suddenly at war. Still very busy at work, as well as trying to write an article about the current situation that I’ve been asked to write by a Middle East-related website. In the meantime, I’d strongly suggest checking out this post...
What crappy timing for a war. This has got to be the most stressful period I’ve had since starting this job last fall. I’ve got so much work to plow through that it’s actually making me nauseous, and when all is said and done, this will probably have been a 60-hour week, at least. I’m literally going through hundreds of pages of poorly written and...
Monday morning, and I’m back on the train again, heading back to work less than twelve hours after I left last night. For better or for worse, I’m under a deadline from hell that seems to be getting worse by the day, as colleagues suddenly remember that they have to send me documentation for editing (serious editing, as the documents are all written in English by non-native...
“Due to the security situation, all trains heading north will terminate in Acco. No trains will travel to Nahariya under orders from the Israel Police. The Nahariya train station has been closed. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.” Granted, this announcement doesn’t affect me, as I am traveling south to Tel Aviv. That is, it doesn’t directly affect me. In a...
Back in Israel for just two weeks and it already feels like I never left. I’ve more or less returned to my former self, but with greater resolve towards making some positive changes to my life. Living in this country is stressful enough, and it’s about time that I made the effort to improve it wherever I can. I’m thinking about professional changes. I’m thinking about...
I’m in my parents’ cozy living room, sitting at the computer table while my husband lounges on the couch watching a World Cup match and my son naps next to him. The winds outside are really whipping up, and the sky is growing darker and darker, in anticipation of forecasted thunderstorms. Today has been the first day that I haven’t actually left the house...
Something strange is happening to the little one here. Surrounded by English speakers with nary a Hebrew speaker in sight (his father speaks to him in English, so I don’t know if that counts), he is speaking more Hebrew than he ever did while we were in Israel. His English is also improving, as he is stringing more and more words together to make sentences, but we...