My life is a sitcom…

Not usually prone to blogging about family life with great frequency, and certainly not wanting to fall into the mommy blogger rut, what happened this afternoon was just to good to keep to myself. You just can’t make this stuff up! There we were, sitting at the table having Friday afternoon lunch (which, barring unforeseen circumstances, is pretty much the only meal...

Living with the little one

I’ve spent a decent chunk of my son’s short life waiting to see the next thing he’d do. We anxiously awaited smiles, signs of recognition, rolling over, sitting up, walking, etc. I can still remember the tears of joy that spontaneously sprung from my eyes when he said “Mommy” for the first time, or the way I felt that my heart would explode when...

Birthday wishes

Well, I can’t remember the words to the Coco’s birthday song (not that I ever knew them all in the first place…), so I hope this will do. On the plus side, it’s not nearly as embarrassing as being serenaded by all those waiters, is it? 😉 Happy birthday to you… Happy birthday to you… Happy birthday dear NRG… Happy birthday to you! Hey...

To thine own self be true?

Lately I’ve been thinking about my responsibilities as a blogger in general, and more specifically, as an English-language Israeli blogger. It is important to make the distinction here between English-language Israeli bloggers and Hebrew-language Israeli bloggers, as while the latter write for domestic consumption, the former, quite obviously, are allowing their thoughts to be...

An identity in crisis…

As you may have guessed from the dearth of posts, I have been somewhat busy, which would be somewhat of an understatement. Deadlines, deadlines everywhere, and as if 12 hours a day in the office were not enough, I have been using my train time for work as well (which is my usual blogging time). Fortunately, I’ve found myself in a bit of a lull (the eye of the storm, perhaps)...

Liza's guide to Amsterdam…

Shortly after checking in at the fabulous Hotel New Amsterdam (check out my online review of the hotel here), we made our way out into the city, heading towards the “Shenkin-like” Jordaan neighborhood, with its funky shops and trendy restaurants and cafes. We walked and walked, wandering into little shops and ethnic food markets. We bought jewelry from a lovely Afghani man...

Greetings from Amsterdam

Greetings from Amsterdam! Here we are on day three of our sojourns, and having an amazing time. Lots of walking and talking, lots of shopping, and surprisingly little eating, which is not for lack of trying, to be sure. For example, yesterday, at around 1:45 in the afternoon, we started talking about going for lunch. We’d just left the Resistance Museum (which was...

Altering Israel's Moral Rudder

The more I hear about Israel’s actions in the recent conflict in Lebanon, the more horrified and disgusted I become. How must the world perceive us? How arrogant are our politicians and our military? Our leaders claim to want peace, but sometimes I wonder. Actions speak louder than words, and when we say that our war was not with the people of Lebanon, but it is then...

Book Meme

I’ve been tagged by the charming Emah S to do the Book Meme, so here it goes… 1. Name one book that changed your life:The Alchemist, by Paulo Coelho. It spurs me to try to follow my dreams. Actually, all of his books (I’ve read and own most of them) force me to think about things differently, more spiritually, I suppose. They offer me a semblance of inner peace...