Life has been hectic lately. My parents are coming on Thursday for their annual visit, and we’ve been busy getting the house ready. Exciting stuff, as not only am I looking forward to seeing them and having them spend time with their grandson, but I’m also looking forward to the items that will be accompanying them, such as a CD with nrg’s pictures from...
I admit it. I have a fault. I know, I know. Be still your beating hearts and all that jazz. You thought I was perfect. Oh, and those of you who know me for real, you can stop snickering now, especially you (you know who you are!). Actually, I have two faults. I do not like to be caught unprepared, and I have a low tolerance threshold for stupidity, ignorance and shallow...
Finally. Finally, after a long, harsh summer, it seems that fall is starting to put in an appearance. The days are no longer oppressively hot, and nights are sublimely chilly – perfectly conducive to getting a good night’s sleep. Not to say that I am getting good nights of sleep, as the little one seems to be trying his best to thwart my intentions. But still, I’m...
Oh, and further to my previous post, you may have noticed that I’ve started using YouTube clips. I still haven’t decided if I like the whole clip idea in my blog entries, but it is kind of funky, so we’ll see how it goes. I just added a clip to the Blogging Meme post. Go on. Check it out… And, I’ve also updated my profile, so you might want to...
Well, as y’all can see, I’ve begun to add a few “bells and whistles” to the blog design. For reasons unbeknownst to me, I can’t seem to update to Blogger Beta just yet. In the meantime, I thought I’d take some time to fiddle around with the HTML code itself, which doesn’t scare me, but is always a bit of a hassle, and not nearly as...
I’ve been tagged for the blogging meme not once, but twice! Thanks to everyone’s favorite local Brits Anglosaxy and TAFKA PP, I’m blogging about blogging. Do you like the look and the contents of your blog? I like the contents, but if I was satisfied with the look, would I have written this post? BTW, for those of you who haven’t taken a moment to share...
My pal over at Anglosaxy sent me a link to a post written by a relatively new blogger who is clearly very astute. Be sure to check out my muse for some interesting reading, and in the meantime, I’ve included the more salient points from his/her original post right here. “First up, Anglosaxy is a site by a Brit who lives in Israel. I found this site very uplifting...
Okay, it’s been brought to my attention by several well-meaning friends (both of whom I love dearly, lest they suspect that I’m taking the piss, which I’m not, at least not this time – they’ll know it when I am!) that it might not be a bad idea to jazz up my blog a bit, give it a little more pizazz, if you will. I’m inclined to agree, but to...
I’m always on the lookout for interesting new blogs, especially if they touch upon subjects that are dear to my heart. During today’s daily blog read, while scrolling through Blogging the Middle East, I found a gem. The Jews of Lebanon strives to “reestablish a connection between Lebanese of the Jewish faith around the world with their country of Lebanon...
Aaah, the Wonderful World of Disney. Just the thought of it all things Disney bring a smile to my face, whether it be the Mickey Mouse Club (and I’m not talking about the 90s version with the likes of Justin Timberlake, Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera. No sirree bob. I’m referring to the real deal, with original 50s cast members like Annette Funicello and...