Once again, Prime Minister Olmert has proven that he cares more about himself and his own PR than about Israeli citizens. As qassam rockets continue to fall in Sderot and Israelis continue to get killed (yesterday’s innocent victim was the father of a young girl, and husband of a woman in her sixth month of pregnancy), Olmert has stated that he sees no reason why...
Well gag me with a spoon! It’s 80s Music Video Sunday, and if that’s not, like, totally gnarly, well frankly, I don’t know what is! Who can forget the invasion of the Valley Girls, introducing a variety of totally rad new words into the American lexicon. Like, for sure, we all got into it. I mean, back in those days, didn’t we all want to be, like...
I’m having trouble organizing my thoughts these days. I am alternatively feeling rage and frustration, and often, exhaustion. I am sick to death of the ignorance and the double standards when it comes to Israel, no matter what the platform. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has called for international intervention to stop Israel from attacking Hamas targets in Gaza...
I was lactose-intolerant for approximately ten years, from shortly after moving to Israel until I was pregnant with the Little One. As anyone who lives in Israel knows, the sheer quantity and variety of dairy products here is simply unparalleled, and I frequently found myself skipping over entire menu sections, constantly having to ask whether or not certain dishes contained...
During my university days, there were people who told me that if I was any more laid-back, I’d probably be dead. I always dressed very casually, usually jeans (which were sometimes torn) and sandals (when it was warm enough), and had a penchant for tie-dye, which still exists today. I can only imagine what kind of vibe I must have been giving off, as people always seemed...
TAFKA PP sent me this meme, which is much lighter than the previous one. It may, however, prove to be equally challenging, given that she’s tagged me to name restaurants in the north of Israel, and frankly, most of the restaurants that we go to are more centrally located. So, I may have to cheat a bit (as did she, might I point out!). Here we go! The rules:1. Add a...
I’ve decided that today is a meme day. I’ve got two waiting for me in the pipeline, and today is the day. For the first meme, the fabulously talented Jessica (check her out, folks – the woman is a brilliant writer) challenges me to describe my favorite kind of writing. Well, I know that it’s definitely not technical writing… Seriously, though...
Like many of my friends (and I’m obviously referring to my Jewish friends here, as the following words will prove), I had a bat mitzvah. While we didn’t opt for the tacky theme party route, my parents still managed to put together a lovely, three-day celebration, with out-of-town relatives invited over Friday evening (resulting in all sorts of strangers coming up...
As a parent, my greatest fear is not having the opportunity to watch my son grow up, for something to happen to him or to me that would deny me the chance of seeing the person he will eventually become. I wish I could say that I can’t imagine how great the pain must be to lose one’s child, but sadly, I have been there, and I know that there is no greater pain, no...
I have spent a fair amount of time during the last week-and-a-half reflecting on our recent trip, thinking about various moments and highlights, mentally rehashing certain experiences as one often does after returning from vacation. There were two events in particular that stand out, each one positively reinforcing my connection to Israel, yet so different from one another...