During a work outing several years ago, my colleagues and I were given an opportunity to make ocarinas out of clay. While the others created instruments that looked like delightful sea creatures, dragons and other fictitious members of the animal kingdom, I suspiciously stared down at my lump of clay without coming up with a single idea. In the end, I created a simple, goofy...
You don’t talk Or catch my eye Glance away As I walk by Cross the street Change your path I don’t exist Erase the past Sever ties One by one Destroy them all Until it’s done Forget that we Were ever friends I don’t exist It’s all pretend Lives and souls That never touched Never ever Laughed so much Love and trust Ripped apart I don’t exist It breaks my heart Picture created by...
I know for a fact that there are Israelis who think I’m crazy for choosing to leave the United States to live in Israel – I know it because they tell me. Repeatedly. It’s not all Israelis or even most, but those who do have a tendency to question my sanity for reaching such a decision. They aren’t interested in hearing about my former identity as a Diaspora Zionist or my pro...
עכשיו אני הולכת לספר לכם שני דברים על עצמי. אחד הוא שבכל פעם ששואלים אותי מה התפקיד חלומותי, אני תמיד אומרת שאני הייתי רוצה לכתוב טור קבוע בעיתון ה”New York Times“. הדבר השני הוא שקשה לי להפנים את זה שאני אף פעם לא אצליח להתבטא בעברית כמו שהייתי רוצה – דבר שגורם אצלי תסכול נוראי. וזה לא עוזר במיוחד שאני פרפקציוניסטית בכתיבה שלי, משהו שלא מסתדר עם הצורך מדי פעם...
My son clung to me and cried as he begged me to turn off the news last night. Through his tears, he said that he’d been ok in the morning when I gently broke the news to him that Arik Einstein had died, but that all day long, no matter where he went, people wouldn’t stop talking about it. And suddenly, while watching President Peres eulogize Israel’s greatest...
So long, my friend; I wish you well As you embark upon this journey of searching for your self I understand – you need to go To walk this path alone So I wish you strength and love To help you find your way back home I hope I cross your mind from time to time And if I do it’s with a fondness and a glimmer in your eye That you’ll dip into our well of memories at least once in a...
By the time our son was in pre-school, we already knew that we didn’t want to send him to a regular public school. My husband grew up in the Israeli school system and didn’t like the way it had evolved over the years and I, who had grown up in an idyllic small town in Upstate New York, was disturbed by the prospect of turning my son over to a seemingly problematic educational...
Sometimes I feel like I’m just hanging by a thread Sanity lost in a roadside ditch – barely breathing, left for dead Scattered bits of mind and soul where brake marks should have been Attesting to the crash and burn my sanity’s been in As I bump along the journey of my life Careening as I do between the laughter, joy and strife Peering at a map that often makes no sense at all...
While the sun shined overhead and my husband tidied up the gravesite, our seven-year-old started to sing a silly song. As I gently explained why a cemetery wasn’t really the place for such activity, he interrupted me. “But Mommy,” he said. “I’m singing a song to make Elad smile. Don’t you want him to be happy?” Surprised by his...
After picking my nine-year-old son up from school the other day, I asked him to sit next to me on the couch. I told him I loved him, reminded him that I would never be angry at him for being honest and then, with a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach, proceeded to gently ascertain whether or not he had seen pornography on the Internet while at a friend’s house. The boy’s...