The celebrations began two days ago with a field trip. As the Little One’s birthday falls on Shavuot this year (which begins today), we opted for an alternative sort of birthday party, taking his entire pre-school to the Old Courtyard at Kibbutz Ein Shemer. The kids harvested wheat, made flour (a very practical skill, no doubt), went for a tractor ride to the fields, and made rolls, and because it was the Little One’s birthday party (kudos to me for creating an invitation that included both wheat stalks and Ben 10 – the current object of my son’s affections), he was the star, always chosen to help with tasks and demonstrations. And, during the course of this wonderful, magical morning, there was one moment that stood out above all others, one moment when I knew with absolute certainty that this was my son. The look of pure joy on his face as the baby calf suckled away on his fingers left no room for doubt that my boy was just like me.

I’ve written a lot about the Little One here over the years, and in honor of his fifth birthday, I thought I’d share five  of my favorite posts.

Planes, Trains and Automobiles

The Wonderfully Wacky World of Why

Shake It, Mommy. Shake It!


Bathroom Humor

Last year’s birthday post for the Little One can be found here.

My original plan here was to post a clip of Danny Kaye singing his wonderful children’s song “I’m Five“, but hours of searching have proved fruitless. I did, however, manage to find a version of Robin singing it on the Muppet Show. The song begins at the 3:37 mark and is approximately one minute long.


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