While there still haven’t been any incoming rocket alarms for my town of Pardes Hannah-Karkur (yet), we heard one this morning that was in a community approximately 10 minutes west and slightly south of us, and also heard the subsequent booms from the missile defense system, successfully taking out the rockets.

I’m working from home today. I’m keeping the windows open to ensure I can hear alarms, and if I need to use my AirPods, I keep the noise cancellation off for the same reason.

Looking at the map below (on a publicly available website – we also have several apps that let us know about rocket alarms), you can see all of the communities that received incoming rocket alarms at 9:07/9:08 this morning. I drive up Road 4 in the direction of Atlit on those days when I drive into the office. When I was there two days ago, we had one rocket alarm while I was there, and several more after I left for the day (and drove home considerably faster than usual). There was at least one more yesterday as well.

Do you see the town of Yokneam Illit, where Road 66 meets Road 70? That’s where my last job in hi-tech was, and I worked there for more than seven years. At around 25 minutes away, it was the shortest commute I’ve ever had.

And we’ve only been dealing with this in our area for a few days. All of Israel’s northern communities – and by north, I mean much closer than the approximately 50 kilometers/31 miles that my town is from the border – have been living with this for nearly a year. Can you imagine what that must be like?

Hezbollah needs to be stopped.

