Do you remember how, during the COVID-19 pandemic, there were those people who “did their own research” and chose to believe dubious “professionals” whose medical advice went completely against what the global medical and scientific communities were saying? Do you remember what you, as an intelligent, rational individual thought of those medical and scientific “professionals” who were promoting bogus treatments and information?

If you’re listening to “Jewish Voice for Peace” and choosing to believe what they say about Judaism, Zionism, and Israel instead of listening to what the overwhelming majority of Jews worldwide are saying about these topics, you’re doing the exact same thing. You’re listening to people who do not represent what most of the global Jewish community knows and believes. You’re handpicking a tiny fringe minority and choosing to believe them because they confirm your own biases.

If you’re choosing to listen to JVP or non-Jews about those topics while ignoring what mainstream Jews like me are telling you, you might want to ask yourself why that is – why you prefer to listen to people with an agenda who do not see themselves as being part of the global Jewish community and proudly distance themselves from it instead of those of us who live and embrace our Jewish identities every day.

And, just as I judged those people who preferred to listen to discredited, fringe outliers during the pandemic, I’m judging you now for listening to the discredited, fringe outliers when it comes to Judaism, Israel, and Zionism.

