I am a freelance writer – oh how I love to write
Stringing words together, morning, noon and night
It took me quite a while, to give this path a go
Afraid I’d never make it, and that they’d all say no

I started very slowly, beginning with a blog
Years of dreary office work had left me in a fog
I wanted to create; I needed something more
To talk about my work, and not sound like a bore

It’s now a few years later; I’ve amassed a bunch of clips
Some are just a tad mundane, while others – quite a trip
From politics to hummus – sometimes they overlap
Perhaps you’ll disagree with me, but please don’t say it’s crap

As things stand right now, I’ve got some time to fill
Peruse the stuff I’ve written – I might just fit your bill
My writing’s rather good, or so some people say
I’d love to do some work for you – but only if you pay

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