January 5th, 2025…

Those of you who have spent the past 15 months demanding that Israel cease firing without criticizing Hamas or demanding that they release the hostages and surrender/stop firing at Israel – well done! In addition to contributing to unprecedented levels of Jew hatred around the world, you’re also helping to keep the war going and making the situation worse for...

December 29th, 2024…

If you ever wonder… Why Israelis aren’t “moving past” the atrocities of October 7th… Why it is still at the forefront of our minds… Why we are just as broken-hearted today as we were then… Why we are still so full of rage… Why I am perpetually feeling all of these emotions at the same time, to the extreme… It’s...

December 26th, 2024…

Just to give you an idea about what it’s like to be Jewish, Sesame Street posted several Christmas posts and the responses have overwhelmingly been heartwarming and sweet. They also posted this Chanukah post, and while there are many lovely responses from Jews and non-Jews alike, there are so many comments that are vile and hateful, and the post has more comments than...

December 16th, 2024…

This report by the Henry Jackson Society doesn’t come as a surprise to me. Perhaps the lengths to which Hamas went in order to obfuscate the truth are even more comprehensive than I’d imagined, but the bottom line is that the research conducted here serves to confirm what so many of us have known and been saying all along – the Hamas terror organization has been actively and...

December 5th, 2024…

In Israel, it is difficult—even close to impossible—to escape the realities of the war, and this is true no matter where you go. You simply cannot get away, and of course, the hostages are never far from your thoughts. There are reminders everywhere you turn – in workplaces and stores, in places of entertainment, in hospitals, at the airport… Everywhere. As you...

November 24th, 2024…

I’m glad that Hezbollah waited until I was out of the shower this morning, but obviously would have preferred if they had waited a few more minutes for me to finish drying off and get dressed! Needless to say, I’m definitely grateful that we have our own shelter, and that I didn’t have to run to a communal shelter and make small talk with neighbors while wrapped in a towel…...

November 9th, 2024…

Soccer fan hooliganism is shameful and is something that periodically happens in Europe, though with less frequency now that fans as well as teams are often penalized for such fan behavior. Before and after “important” games or games between rival teams, the vandalism and damage caused is sometimes off the charts – far, far worse than what the Israeli fans did in Amsterdam. I...

October 23rd…

If you’re not Jewish, you do not know more about what Jews have been experiencing during this past year (or ever) than we do. If you don’t live in the Middle East and never have, unless you have immediate family here, you don’t know more about what’s happening here than we do. Even if you’ve visited the Middle East, you still don’t...

October 6th, part 2…

In response to Iraq firing Scud missiles at Tel Aviv and Haifa during the first Gulf War in 1991, laws were passed in Israel requiring all new construction – homes, commercial buildings, apartments, etc., must contain a safe room/bomb shelter. In response to decades of rocket fire from terror organizations in Gaza like Hamas and Islamic Jihad on southern border tows and...

October 6th, part 1…

This was at 8:28 this morning. There were rocket alarms (a very loud siren whose tone rises and falls for the length of time that you have to enter a protected area) all around us, including at my office. But, if you look closely, you’ll notice that there was no alarm in our town of Pardes Hana-Karkur (though there was one in the area where our local train station is...