For anyone who might be questioning the effectiveness of the recent UN resolution regarding the conditions of the ceasefire between Israel and the Hezbollah, the following quote, taken from this article in Haaretz, should provide the answer you’re looking for.

“According to the (Lebanese) cabinet decision, Hezbollah will not disarm in
southern Lebanon, but its members will refrain from carrying weapons in
public. The agreement was reached following deliberations with Hezbollah
representatives that lasted days.”

Is it just me, or does this compromise seem to fall slightly short of what was agreed upon by Lebanon and Israel in order for the ceasefire to come into effect? Perhaps I’m missing some of the finer nuances, but it seems that there’s a serious difference between disarming and hiding. If this is the spirit in which the UN resolution will be implemented, I must confess that any fleeting shreds of respect I may have had for the UN are completely destroyed, and to be on the safe side, I believe I will continue to ensure that our in-house shelter is kept in good condition, and pray that round two doesn’t come too quickly.

In the meantime, I’ll just sit back and watch the country crumble like a chocolate chip cookie that’s been dunked in a glass of milk. Warrelated scandals? Political scandals? Showbiz? Yes folks. You can find all of those scandals and more, right here, right now. Israel – your one-stop scandal shop. The country is going to hell in handbasket, so you’d better hold on. I think we’ve got a bumpy ride coming up ahead.

