I see that Sharon’s doctors are attempting to stimulate him with familiar sights and sounds. Good idea, I guess.

They have his sons playing snippets of Mozart quietly, which is obviously a calming, softly softly method of exiting from an enforced coma. I myself wouldn’t jump out of a coma for Mozart but never mind. They have also apparently placed a plate of shwarma meat (slices of grilled lamb or chicken) next to him. This looks like a sure bet, what with Sharon’s reported fondness for this kind of dish.

Anyway, not sure that this info needed to be released to the public as it seems to belittle his critical state…but it got me thinking. What smell would get me out of my bed? What smell would infiltrate my nasal passages to jerk my brain into awakening from a deep slumber? After some serious thought, I have gone for: fried mushrooms.

What smell would wake you up from a deep sleep?

