Fleeting thoughts of you
They swirl around my mind
Specks of memories dance about
And tease me from behind
Though time has passed and pain has dulled
You’re never far away
Reminding me of what was lost
Or that you’ll never see today
I think of all the joy you brought
Just by being you
I think of all the lives you touched
Those you never knew
I think of all you could have done
Had it not gone all awry
I think of all the tears we shed
When you said goodbye
We tried to change your path
The course your life would take
With every thought of losing you
My heart would simply break
But these are paths we cannot change
What will be – will be
And wondering what might have been
It does no good, you see
What a beautifully written tribute. Your deep love and deep loss come through in every line.
I’m so sorry for your pain, and for the loss that put it there.
Thank you, Robin. I wasn’t even intending to write something like this when I opened up a new document last week. It just came out, and no one was more surprised than I was. It unleashed all sorts of feelings, and I debated for a while as to whether or not to post it here.