He is I, I is He. And He is outta here.

Yep, I’ve been bunking off for some time now, as you might have noticed. And She has been doing a magnificent job, the blog has truly become hers and hers only. She is a great writer and needs her own platform, if you ask me, even bigger and better than this simple blogspace…

So, I’m leaving the blog, going back to my own little abode. Abode? Yep, some of you may well have been aware that I am, in fact, this guy…I enjoyed posting over here for a change, as most of you probably see me as a bit of a joker. And our plan was to shake up things a little bit on the Israeli blog scene, as we indicated in our very first post, but some people obviously didn’t like that…so we chilled and I slowly moved aside.

So, it really is goodbye from him. Cheers!

