Oh dear.

I’ve been on the sidelines throughout the disengagement, watching with interest and sadness the nightly TV broadcasts but leaving out the politics from this blog. Ha, not that I’ve been blogging that much, it has to be said. She has been doing the dirty work for the past few weeks and doing it very well, I think.

However, after one or two bloggers out there, and one in particular, you can probably guess who, have been sending bullying, self-righteous emails to She because she happened to have a strong opinion on something…it’s time for me to throw my ha’penny in.

We don’t pretend to be the BBC or CNN, we are but a simple blog with a few readers. We write about what we want to write about, without any intention to incite or hurt anybody. It is just our opinions, straight-forward, sock-it-to-ya opinions. We don’t dress it up with all kinds of sugary gunge for a band of worshipping readers to fawn over. We certainly don’t claim any moral high-ground. Our original aim was to post interesting articles that would interest some, most probably not all. We also wanted to shake up the Israeli blogging scene a little, because there seems to be this annoying ‘clique’ of writers who really need to get out more.

If some blogger decides that he wants to throw his toys out of the pram and delist us from his “preciousssss” blogroll, what can I say? Maybe “get a life”? Possibly “grow up”? How about “go back to your worshipping readers and stay there”? I know what, let’s be equally mature and delist him from our blogroll. Voila. Sad bastard.

Really, one or two of you bloggers need to get a fucking life. Stop analysing every single word printed, stop trying to find the wrong in everything, and above all, if you don’t like what we write, don’t bother coming back.

As for the rest of you, we really love you. Honest!

