Life has been hectic lately. My parents are coming on Thursday for their annual visit, and we’ve been busy getting the house ready. Exciting stuff, as not only am I looking forward to seeing them and having them spend time with their grandson, but I’m also looking forward to the items that will be accompanying them, such as a CD with nrg’s pictures from Amsterdam (at which point I’ll do a post showing all of our best pictures – she took far more than I did, hence the wait), which will reach me via a rather circuitous route (nrg gave the CD to her parents when they were visiting her in Norway, they brought the CD home, my parents picked up the CD, and will bring it with them to me), my new mp3 player, ordered from Amazon, and a variety of toys, books, videos and clothing for the Little One (and even a few articles of clothing for me).

In the event that I can’t think of where to take them, I’ll be sure to peruse my very own fabulous (and slightly puddle-damaged – my fault!) copy of City Guide Tel Aviv, written by the incredibly talented (not to mention charming!) Lisa Goldman. I’d definitely recommend this book – get it for yourselves, get it as a gift. You won’t be sorry! I know I can’t wait to try out some of the restaurants that are mentioned, and I’ve even been to a few of them already, trendsetter that I am.

Since I’m feeling rather scatterbrained at the moment, between the upcoming visitors and work, I’m just going to mention a few more bits and pieces, and then be on my way.

If you take a look at my sidebar (go ahead, I’ll wait…), you’ll notice a few things. One, I’m reading a new book – A Tale of Two Sisters, by Anna Maxted. I discovered Anna Maxted several years ago, and haven’t looked back. She writes brilliantly, and I love the way she has her characters deal with very real problems, instead of the usual chick lit fluff. I’ve always found myself drawn to writing and to people who write well, and Ms Maxted is no exception. I’d definitely enjoy a friendly chat over latt茅s in a cafe with this woman.

Two, I’ve added quite a few blogs to my blogroll in the Further Afoot section. In addition to discovering a number of new (to me, anyway) blogs written by expats, I now check in daily with the hilarious Craigslist Curmudgeon, where our blogger shares some of his (her?) better findings for freelance writing gigs from the infamous Craigslist, as well as the thought-provoking blog Warrior of Light, written by one of my favorite authors, Paulo Coelho.

And finally, I’ve recently become a contributor to a site called Brio, which deals with the subject of parenting in a global world. My first post is here, and originally appeared on something something earlier this year. It promises to be an exciting project about a subject that’s very close to my heart, so I’ll be sure to keep you posted. Check it out!

